
Showing posts from August, 2020

Go for the pure and fresh smoothies near Oakville at Community

This blog gives information about Community. Alka and Vanusa together run Community. It is a place where we believe that when we come together, we can make a difference. Vanusa has a passion for fine food. Their dream is to bring everyone together to enjoy delicious, healthy and beautiful meals starting with their community. Alka is a certified holistic nutritionist, vegan, mother to four darlings and a self-professed food queen. She has had a food business since she was 21, selling her homemade baked samosas from her mom's kitchen.   Vanusa is a busy hockey mom who sometimes feels like she lives out of her car. She is also active in her community and has spent the last 15 years working with local and international non-profit organizations. She has travelled the globe and lived in many countries. As such, we will bring in experts in their fields who will give talks and workshops on subjects that are pertinent to our community. All proceeds will be donated to support the local f...